Wednesday 20 August 2008

Brave students stay honest in exams

YORK: It's a research many professors might not agree to � the most
brave students are least likely to cheater in

Researchers at Ohio
State University have based their findings on deuce studies of over 400 students,
which found that those wHO did non use unjust means scored highest in tests of
courage and empathy. In addition, the bravest students also scored higher than
cheaters on tests of honesty, it was establish.

"The honorable students consume a
more positive opinion of others. Students world Health Organization don't cheat seem to be in the
nonage, and let plenty of opportunities to see their peers lolium temulentum and receive
the rewards with slight risk of

"We see avoiding
cheating as a form of everyday heroism in an academic setting," lead researcher
Prof Sara Staats was quoted as saying. The students also completed measures that
examined their bravery, honesty and empathy.

Those who scored in the top
half were less likely to have reported cheating in the past 30 years and were
less potential to think to rig later.

More info